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Yes, I'm a 40-something Harry Potter geek. Watched the first two movies with my kids (who were then around 9, 7, and 5) and thought nothing more than they were fantastic fantasy movies. I could not imagine what all the fuss was over the books.
Then we watched Movie #3, and I was confused as to the whole time-turner thing and figured I needed to read the book, but then decided (wisely) that I should probably start from Book 1 to make sure I hadn't missed something. By the middle of Book 1, I was just as madly in love with Jo Rowling and her splendid characters as the rest of the world. And let me tell you, if you have never read the Harry Potter series and are at all still a kid at heart, you're missing something huge. HUGE I tell ya!
From then on we attended every midnight release party for the books and movies that we could. The kids and I would race each other to see who could finish a chapter first and then we'd discuss it. I finally got smart and bought the books on CD and then we'd drive around as long as I could stay awake after the parties listening all together as a family. We dressed up and re-inacted scenes from both the books and the movies. We laughed and cried together over these books, and had some of the most amazing and in-depth conversations about friendship, good vs. evil, easy choices vs. right choices, and the mysteries of both our universe and the Harry Potter universe.
I quite literally bawl every time I see an intervie with Jo Rowling. She's one of my idols as I'd love to be a published author myself some day. I keep coming up with excuses as to why I never finish any story I start writing and here she was all hunched over the little table in that coffeehouse/cafe with a baby at her feet writing furiously for months. Inspiring I tell ya!
Well, I'll have to write more on this topic later. Work calls and my lunch hour is over.
In less than two months we'll be standing in line (starting around 6 p.m.) eagerly anticipating (and probably crying a little over) the first part of the last movie. It's been a wild and glorious ride raising my kiddos on these superbly wonderful pieces of pop culture masterpieces (I think all-in-all the movies are quite splendid, though not near as fantastic as the books).