Wish I knew of an easier way to do this, and wish I had enough money to buy a really good external hard drive. Just trying to use thumb drives and/or CDs and DVDs. Way too painstakingly long for as much as I do online.
Does anyone else just gobble up music and photo space on their devices???
Which reminds me, duh, that I also need to backup my smart phone. And double check that I have my phone numbers and mailing addresses up to date. Mom used to keep up with all my family for me and ever since she's gone I've done a horrible job of keeping in touch. I am a bad relative. Doesn't help that I like my online friends better than I like much of my family! *insert twisted smiley here*
Seriously, I think that if I could get my family to stay connected online I might find out I like them too! It's just so hard to write 10-20 different letters to all the neices/nephews/cousins/siblings and so easy to shoot off one email. Does anyone else have this problem??? Can I "buy" an online board for all of us to keep in touch on that's safe and easy-to-use (I have a few old fuddy-duddies in the family that are still scared of computers).
Well, I guess my fingers have run out of energy as they've just been sitting here stiff for over 7 minutes while my mind wandered. Hope this post finds anyone who reads me having a good day. If not, here's a hug from me to you: (((((( you )))))